The English Extension Organization

Welcome to The English Extension Organization!

The English Extension Organization (TEEO) is a collaboration of experienced teachers from various English-speaking countries who all have children in Swiss state schools. The group is producing materials to provide language development support for English-speaking students which can be used both at school and at home.

In Switzerland, English instruction is a mandatory part of the curriculum. The grade level at which instruction begins varies from canton to canton, but all students are expected to start learning English at some point during their primary school years.

We know that it is difficult for teachers to provide special instruction and materials to native English speakers while simultaneously teaching the regular curriculum to the non-native English students. We aim to support teachers so that you don’t have to scramble around trying to find ideas and reinvent the wheel.

We have developed supplemental booklets which native speakers can use independently in the primary classroom. We have been compiling a collection of interesting and inspirational books so that teachers can provide supplemental literature for students to read. Currently, this book list is aligned with the themes for all of the Young World (Primarschule) and Open World (Sekundarschule) books published by Klett and used in 12 of the German-speaking cantons. Lesson plans have been developed or are being developed for specific books.

We are in the process of developing a similar list for the New World program, also published by Klett, and used in schools in six Swiss cantons. Those in the French speaking cantons and in Ticino, don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten you! We do have plans to make literature lists which align to your textbooks, too.

We understand that as parents want to make sure that their children have access to good, quality literature. Reading improves vocabulary development, writing skills, analytical abilities, and so much more. We have spent countless hours identifying quality books that align with the curriculum so that you don’t have to. Currently, the book list contains over 250 books, with more being added every day.

We believe that literacy is essential and that every child can become a better reader. We hope this website provides useful information, book lists and resources to provide support for native English learners in the local Swiss schools.