The English Extension Organization

Swiss Education System

The Swiss educational system can seem confusing if you come from another country. The vocational track is incredibly strong and the majority of students opt for that route. The path is never closed and there is always a way to get to university down the road.

No worries! It takes some time to understand it all.


Here are some books to that give clear explanations of how to navigate the Swiss educational system.

A Guide to the Swiss Educational System

If you are trying to wrap your head around the Swiss education system and you are familiar with the British education system, than this is a fantastic read. It may seem a bit pricey with it’s self-published formatting, but has a wealth of knowledge and will clarify many questions and makes an excellent reference throughout the years.
Written by Robin Hull, director of the Hull School in Zurich.

Buy here

Going Local, Your Guide to Swiss Schooling

Author Margaret Oertig interviewed more than 120 parents to gain insight into the questions, concerns, issues and obstacles facing international parents as they unravel the Swiss schooling system.

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If you are in central Switzerland and feel you need personalized help in finding the right school for your child, Stefanie Busse can help. Consult her website at Swiss Education Consulting for more information about her services and fees.